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What type of school governors are there?

Types of Governors

Local Authority – Local Authority (LA) governors are nominated by the LA. LAs set their own eligibility criteria, but the governing board can either accept or reject that nomination based on whether they have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.


Community – These governors are invited by other governors to join the governing body and are appointed by the governing body. Community members bring their own experience or skills to the governing body and can act as a link with the community in which the school serves. Community governors usually live or work in the community of the school area and are committed to the good governance and success of the school.


Teacher – These governors are elected as representatives of the interests of the teaching staff of their school. Whereas on occasion they may give the views of the teaching staff to the governing body, they are equally free to express their personal views and exercise their own judgements when decisions are made, like any other governor.


Staff – Staff governors are elected from among the support staff (all staff employed at the school other than in a teaching capacity) at the school. They may be staff employed either under a contract or employment or a contract for services at the school. All staff who are employed to work at the school at the time of election are eligible to stand for election as the staff governor. This includes teaching staff, support staff, senior leaders and part-time staff. Staff governors should be elected for the skills they can bring to the governing board, rather than their position within the school.


Parent – Parent governors are elected as representatives of the interests of parents of pupils currently attending the school. A parent governor can continue to serve as a governor until the end of their four year term of office, even if their child leaves the school during the period.


Co-opted – Co-opted governors are appointed by the governing board. Anyone is eligible to become a co-opted governor and governing boards are free to decide which skills they’re looking for. This can include parents. Staff can also be appointed as co-opted governors.
