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Western Learning Federation Governing Body Members

The Western Learning Federation Governing Body structure for the academic year 2023/2024


Wayne MurphyExecutive Headteacher
Rachel FaulknerDeputy Executive Headteacher
Andy Kreppel (Local Authority)Governor
Bianca Rees (Local Authority)Chair of Governors
Cllr Peter Bradbury (Local Authority)Governor
Vacancy (Community)Governor
Amanda Coffey (Community)Governor
Ann Cocchiara (Community)Governor
Doug Corp (Community)Vice Chair of Governors
Raven Hope (Local Authority)Governor
Zoe Oram-Jones (Parent- Woodlands)Parent Governor
Rhian Gregory (Parent- Woodlands)Parent Governor 
Abdulla Rahil (Parent - Riverbank)Parent Governor
Evelyn Lmah (Parent- Riverbank)Parent Governor
Aidan O'callaghan (Parent- Ty Gwyn)Parent Governor 
Sean Ward (Parent - Ty Gwyn)Parent Governor
Scott Rastaitis- (Non- Teaching Staff Ty Gwyn)Staff Governor
Helen Ball (Teacher Staff- Riverbank)Staff Governor
Lawrence Fisher (Teacher Staff - Woodlands )Staff Governor
Laura Duncombe (Non-teaching staff- Woodlands) Staff Governor


Clerk to Governors - Beth Jones



Amie Lucas- Head of School, Riverbank School

Jamie Brotherton- Head of School, Ty Gwyn School

Sian Thomas- Head of School, Woodlands School

Robert Monteith- Business Manager, Western Learning Federation 


Last updated March 2024
