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Western Learning


Together we learn, grow and achieve


What does a school governor do?

What does a governor do?

School governors play a critical role in improving education and making a positive difference to children and young people’s futures. They help to set the strategic vision of the school and ensure that children and young people receive the best possible education. They also act as a critical friend providing support and challenge to the school’s Senior Leadership Team.

Key roles include:

  • Setting the overall direction, aims, policies and priorities of the school
  • Ensuring the wellbeing and safeguarding of all learners
  • Monitoring performance and promoting high standards of educational achievement, attendance and behaviour
  • Acting as a critical friend, providing support and challenge to the Senior Leadership Team and setting targets by which progress can be measured
  • Agreeing the annual school budget and monitoring this throughout the year
  • Ensuring that all learners have access to a broad and balanced curriculum and that all statutory requirements are met
  • Involvement in all staffing processes including pay, staff appointments, performance management