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Western Learning


Together we learn, grow and achieve


Phase Two of the Ty Gwyn Building Project (At the rear of the School)- Ty Gwyn, project complete January 2022

The Federation and the school worked closely with Cardiff Council, the Disability Futures Programme and Welsh Government over a five year period to provide additional facilities for our pupils.


The school received a multi-million pound investment from Cardiff Council as well as additional funding from the Integrated Care Fund, through the Disability Futures Programme and Welsh Government and provided a financial contribution of £775,00     The project was split into two phases of building works, phase one and phase two. Phase one has enabled outputs of:  


  • Two additional classroom spaces for sixteen pupils Refurbishment of two changing room areas
  • Refurbishment of office space Refurbishment of WC facilities A light refurbishment of the multi-agency area in order to deliver a pilot project, which started in September 2019, bringing together and extending partnership working across Education and Social Services
  • Development of a soft play area  
  • The project has enabled a light refurbishment of the multi-agency area as part of phase one and the next phase will enable the building develop the ICT and technology to ensure facilities are modern and meet the needs of a variety of services who access the building    
  • Phase two of the building work achieved outputs of:  
  • Three additional classrooms, providing teaching and learning for twenty four pupils Independent Life Skills Area Multi-Agency area- Ty’r Bont (Social Services) Gym Meeting rooms and office areas Changing place External landscaping Activity areas Staff areas

Our new facilities
